Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Odds and Ends

1.  When I was at Sager Brown (mission trip) I frequented two quilt shops I found locally.  Well, about an hour away which is as good as local for a quilter.  One of them was The Borne Quilter in Lafayette, Louisiana.  It's a great shop with really nice people who were outgoing and friendly.  The husband of the woman who owns it writes their newsletter - under duress I think, but hey, whatever works.  Ya'll, he writes the most hilarious newsletter every single time.  I love his sense of humor and the way he talks about quilters and the shop.  You really should go read it - I promise you'll get a laugh out of it.  Just click on the link and then on Newsletter to get his take on the Houston Quilt Market.
2.  It's a rare occasion when I can't sleep but this was one of those times.  I hate when that happens.  Anyway, I'm up reading e-mails and thinking about that fabric from Riley Blake Designs that I won...when I got an e-mail from Kimbuktu at Fabric Fascination sending me this great link from Riley Blake Designs.  Look at this cute thing!
It's a zipper flower!  And in the middle...a vintage button.  :)  Want to know how to make it?  Here's the link.  I can't wait to try this - won't it be cute on a purse?  I am loving Riley Blake Designs more and more every day.  :)  They can surely send me fabric any time they want to!  And by the way, I have an idea for what I'm going to make - it's cooking.  Not done, just simmering.
3.  I told ya'll about buying a new car a couple of weeks ago.  Love it.  Love everything about it.  Especially OnStar.  I've never had that before so those of you who have can probably tell me all the benefits (feel free to do that because I don't want to miss a thing!) but I can tell you right now I love getting directions.  We have a GPS but I hate plugging that thing in and trying to find a place to put it because it keeps falling off the windshield, but with OnStar I just call the nice lady and tell her where I want to go and she sends me the directions.  I just want to go places so I can call her, she's so nice.  I started to call her and ask for directions to WalMart but since I go there several times a week I figured if I did that after a few times she'd recognize my voice.  But tomorrow I'm going to a friend's in another town to a stitching group so I'll call the nice lady for directions.  Yes I've been there before, a time or two.  Or Fourteen.  But she doesn't know that and besides I've already told you my memory doesn't always catch up with my brain so I might forget halfway there.  It could happen.
4.  While I was on the mission trip I ate in the cafeteria the whole time I was there.  I was faithful to walk every morning and tried hard to watch what I ate.  I made it to the last week without gaining weight but then all of a sudden there were 3 extra pounds showing up on the scale.  Now that doesn't sound like a big deal but I slaved for four months before I went on that trip to lose 20 pounds and I bought new pants two sizes smaller.  So three pounds can make a real difference in breathing or not breathing in those new pants.  And here's the part that has me worried.  I can't seem to get it off.  Oh, if I were back walking every day or counting points every day it would go...but I can't seem to get back in the rhythm of that.  This is bad, very bad.  What happens when you lose your rhythm - how do you get it back? 


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Oh, my dear friend, you can do what I do. Park that car six blocks away and walk back and forth to drive it!
Of course, your street is probably wide enough to drive down and your property is probably large enough to hold a car in addition to the house so you might just pretend you are here....

2 Angie said...

Sounds like you'll jus have to go back to Sager-Brown, lose 3lbs then go home again. Or take up swimming. Do yoga. Stop eating completely. Or you could stop beating yourself up about it and get on with some quilting!

3 Michelle said...

I say forget about those three pounds. God loves you, and so do we. Enjoy life. After a lifetime of battling weight, I'm tired of it. Do I wish I could lose 50 pounds again? Yes, but I'm just too tired to.

Have a fun trip tomorrow. Oh, and I loved your post. You make me smile!

4 Cornfield Quilter said...

Good Morning! Haven't stopped by for a while so I had to tell you I love the new look of your blog and what has been happening in your life. Thanks for my first smile of the morning!

5 Tracy P. said...

What a fun post--love the zipper flower! Can't wait to see yours. I bet once you get lost in all that fabric you'll forget to come out of the sewing room to eat. ;-) Seems to me I have to have a good motivator to get back in the rhythm somehow.

6 Tracy P. said...

Your new background is perfect, by the way!

7 Maggey and Jim said...

I don;t know yet, I haven't found it..??

8 Needled Mom said...

We have the On Star too, but it is not my favorite for directions. Several times I have "arrived at my destination" to be in a very forlorn place. We actually carry our other GPS as it is more accurate. BUT...I do love the security of knowing that if there is an accident help will be sent immediately when they cannot contact me.

9 Arkansas Patti said...

So envious of your OnStar. I didn't know you got a real person. Now I really am envious.

Anonymous said...

Your last paragraph.....can I tell you I too put back on what I lost when I was walking so good just before summer! I'm so mad at myself yet again...and here we are getting ready to go into the holidays. I have to remember to eat small tiny meals more times a day. It works better this doesn't help when family snacks in the evenings and all the new Fall shows! Sigh!!!

11 FabricFascination said...

The only way I can get remotivated is to just force myself to do it the first time. Once I'm moving, I remember how good it feels.

How fun about your nice onstar lady. I am not good with directions myself. I need clues like, "turn at the red house," and "it is right past the Stewart's shop on the left." Forget directions like "go west on 4th street." Which way is west?

Thanks so much for posting the link to my blog, that was so sweet of you.

12 Teresa said...

You know, it could just be the readjustment to being back home. Saying that, I would encourage you to start walking again, afterall Thanksgiving is only a little over 4 weeks away! LOL..I should talk, I need to be out walking too.

13 Sue said...

I bribe myself....$20 for every kilo I lose to spend @ the LQS.