Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Blessing Number 464

Ya'll know I'm working on One Thousand Blessings - a list of things I'm thankful for and have been blessed with in my life.  Well today one blessing is getting a whole post all by itself.  I suppose that indoor toilets should have had a whole post too because, face it, that's pretty darn significant.  But I couldn't honestly find a lot of things to say about indoor toilets that would have been "tasteful" so it just had a place on the list and I went on.  But this one, oh my, things like this just don't happen.  Not often and not to me.  Well, I'm really blessed all the time but you know what I mean.  It went like this.

The floor guys came today - and yes I'll do another post on that later so you can see what I chose - but that's not the blessing.  Well, of course it was A blessing but it wasn't THE blessing.  Anyway, I worked in the sewing room all day while they were here, just in case they needed me.  I don't know what they would have needed me for because I can't carry furniture or rip up carpet or scrape floors or paint on glue...but they might need a drink of water or something.  Turns out they didn't but I was definitely available.  All that's beside the point.  My husband got home about 1:00 from deer camp (no deer, missed the only one he shot at) and brought in a package that UPS left on the steps.  I never heard them...guess I was too busy being helpful.  It was from Christenson Wholesale in Utah.  I stood there and pondered what in the world it might be, double checked to be sure it was for me and sure enough there was my name and my address.  I knew I hadn't ordered anything.  Well, yes I had ordered 2 books just that morning but they were coming from Amazon and couldn't have come that quick.  The only thing to do was to open it.  So open it I did and this is what I found.
There are 21, count them, 21 fat quarters of Sweet Divinity by The Quilted Fish of Riley Blake Designs.  Gorgeous, every single fat quarter is gorgeous.  Beautiful colors.  I'm thinking already what I could make from them...and then it dawns on me.  I didn't order these.  You know I read somewhere once upon a time that when someone sends you something you didn't ask for and then tries to charge you for it you don't have to pay, you can just keep it.  I really did, I read that.  I remember reading it.  I swear.  However, I just couldn't.  I wanted to I confess.  But I couldn't.  So I looked them up online, found a phone number and called.

I talked to the sweetest lady named Collette (Hi Collette!) and explained that I didn't order this.  She said, "are you a quilt shop?"  Nope, I'm not a quilt shop.  I'd love to be a quilt shop if I could be a quilt shop, but nope not possible.  "Are you a designer?"  Nope, I'd love to be a designer but I have not one original thought in my head.  "Did you maybe enter a trivia contest and win this fabric?"  Nope, no trivia.  Bad memory so no trivia.  "Hmmm" she says, let me call you back.  Five minutes later she called me back and said, "Marlene, this is your lucky day!"  It seems they have a designer who's first name is Marlene and they sent me her fabric by mistake.  "Just make something pretty and blog something nice about us" she said.  I asked how they got my last name and address but she didn't have a clue.  Oh my goodness.  If I weren't so excited about getting to keep 21 fat quarters of this scrumptious fabric I might be worried about that.  No time to worry's time to feel the fabric, imagine it in a quilt, and say something nice about Christensen Wholesale.  I love them.  :)


1 Unknown said...

Congratulations, on your fat quarters!! I hear there are no coincidences - it was meant to happen! :)

2 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

What a blessing, free fabric!!!

3 Di said...

Wow, Marlene! And it couldn't have happened to a nicer quilter - you deserve it! Di xx

4 Weatherbee ;) said...

Wow!!! All I got in the mail today was junk mail! AWESOME! How very exciting. If there's any company out there that would like to accidentally send me some fabric I wouldn't turn it away!

~Teresa :)

5 Tracy P. said...

Wowzers, Marlene!! You hit the jackpot! And you didn't even have to gamble. God really must have wanted to give you a hug today!

6 carol fun said...

What a wonderful windfall! Enjoy it and consider it a great blessing - Happy stitching!

7 simple country living! said...

I agree! What a beautiful blessing! I am sure you'll enjoy all those pretty fabric!

8 FabricFascination said...

What a special blessing custom fit for you. After all, it could have been a grass seed company that got your name mixed up, instead of a fabric company.

9 Michelle said...

That is too cool! I can't think of anyone who deserves it more than you. Have fun with your fabric. I would have a hard time cutting it up. I tend to just look at pretty things like that!
Have a great Wednesday!
be blessed,

10 Lori said...

Wow, what a blessing! Free fabric! Have fun with it. I can't wait to see what you make from it.

11 Adrienne said...

Wow! Such a sweet surprise. This is what my dear, little mother calls 'God's happy surprises' to bless our day and let us remember how much He loves us! Can't wait to see what you do with these gorgeous fabrics.

12 Amy said...

Lucky girl! Now I'm thinking I want to change my name to Marlene and see what comes to my door!

13 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Well, there you go. No coincidence at all, but rather a *God wink*, you are a lucky lady and, yes, blessed!!

14 Needled Mom said...

Wow!!!! It was your lucky day. It couldn't have gone to a better home.

15 molly said...

Ok, I want you to run to the phone quick, while Colette's number is still at your fingertips, and send her my address. Not a quilt shop, not a designer, but tell her I just took on Marlene as my middle name!

Have fun with your unexpected "Blessing!"

Anonymous said...

Oooh I wish someone would mistake me for a quilt shop!!!

17 Paula, the quilter said...

I have one word: "Wow"!


18 Arkansas Patti said...

How nice, they could have asked for you to send it back. Sweet people.
I really am curious how they got your address. That is strange.

19 Jacquie said...

That IS a blessing!! Fun story.

20 Sparky said...

Dearest Marlene...I have your answer...This was the WIN from STASH Manicure...I picked your name and sent it off to Riley there you have it...I asked you for your address and I sent that to Riley Blake...remember????
Perhaps you should add that to your blog...they did not make an error. Riley Blake was instructed to send to you directly...WEll I am pleased you like it..
blessings madame samm at STash Manicure.