Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

One Thousand Blessings - Day Thirteen

For those of you who've asked what happened to the blessings list - I just needed to take a minute to breathe and ponder.  For those of you new to this blog I recently, well maybe not so recent any more, started a list of one thousand things I was thankful for.  It ranges from the very basic of running water, indoor toilets and toilet paper to the frivolous polka dot fabric.  We take so much for granted in our lives.  Millions of people don't have clean water or indoor toilets, our forefathers certainly didn't have toilet paper and polka dot fabric, well what can I say, everyone should have a bolt or two!  I continue where I left off:

426.  Painter's Tape
427.  Tiny little rollers for painting
428.  Ladders that are too heavy for me to move which means hubby has to do the painting
429.  New cars
430.  Seat warmers in new cars
431.  Separate temperature controls in new cars (can you tell I love my new car?)
432.  Grandchildren who have no doubt that when you pick them up you will have cookies for snacks and Toaster Strudel and PopTarts for breakfast even when you burn the roast for dinner
433.  Grandchildren who understand that when you pick them up in a new car you will not be stopping at Sonic
434.  The sound of leaves when you walk in them in the fall
435.  The sound of acorns falling on the neighbor's tin roof
436.  Temperatures that let you open your windows, even at night
437.  Early morning walks when your hands get cold but the air is sweet to breathe
438.  Swiffer Sweeper Vacuums
439.  Something you ordered being delivered several days earlier than they promised
440.  Windows Live Writer
441.  The picture of my mother-in-law laughing that's on my desk - I miss her
442.  Yarnell's Guilt Free Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream
443.  Fresh haircuts
444.  Jergens Lotion, original scent
445.  My daughter's dog not having to have surgery
446.  Hearing the birds outside my window
447.  Early morning phone calls from my sister
448.  Bluetooth in my car
449.  High school friends who still remember my birthday and still send a card
451.  Finding new blogs to read and love
452.  Remembering how to make the ° sign on my computer (kind of complicated!)
453.  John Wesley's Rules of Life
454.  Finding a good book to listen to in the car
455.  Sleeping in my own bed after being away for four months
456.  Mattress warmers
457.  Doctor's office nurse who sends you a card to give you test results when she can't get you on the phone
458.  The beginning of deer season
459.  The end of the election season (it will end right?  please?)
460.  Mark Harmon - I think I might have said this before - I think I might say this again later :)
461.  Bloggers who are generous with their gifts, their comments, their advice, their time
462.  The U.S. Post Office (yes you heard me right - where would we be without it?)
463.  Moda Bliss fabric


1 Tracy P. said...

I'm pretty sure you're the one who taught me how to make the º sign! The one I can't remember is how to make a heart. Something about it is different on a mac, too.

I'm impressed that you could take a breather and not start right back at number 1 without forgetting. Of course the new car and change of scenery probably help! :-)

2 Amy said...

I am in complete agreement with you on Mr. Mark Harmon.... :) yum!

And, I too, love the Bliss Fabric. I think I'm going to buy some for my mom for Christmas!

3 Angie said...

How DO you make that sign (452)? In the days when a new computer came with a thick heavy instruction book you could find these things.

Well, almost half way there and I am enjoying reading your'thousand' as much as ever.

4 Unknown said...

I'm really enjoying reading reading your "thankfuls." Do you have OnStar on your GMC? I know some people could care less, but we feel so much safer with it. We just renewed ours for another year. DH wasn't going to renew the OnStar phone, but when they found out he wasn't going to, offered to roll over almost an hour and gave a discount.

What kind of floor did you decide to get? Hard decision, I know.

Take care,

5 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

A lovely list indeed! So much to be grateful for every day!
xx, shell

6 FabricFascination said...

L♥ve your thankful list. #441 is especially sweet.

7 Jacquie said...

I LOVE seat warmers!! Greatest thing ever. Those fancy-smancy cars have steering wheel warmers!! I want that. :)

I couldn't live without Windows Live Writer and They make me happy.

I got tickled at your Mark Harmon statement.

I enjoy you, Marlene! Have a great weekend.

8 elaine @ peace for the journey said...

So good to hear from you, Marlene. I think I could come up with a completely new list of gratefulness in this season. In particular, this morning I am grateful for...

an extended period of sleep (more than 40 minutes) that hasn't required a bathroom break.

a peppy walk in the crisp morning air.

grandparents who are willing to take my youngins for the weekend (this just left, thank you Lord!).

Be blessed in your wanderings this Saturday! I thought of you when my Aunt Patty presented me with a new quilt she made for the chemo treatments. A beautiful, pink comfort to me!
