Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Looking For Me?

Looking for me?  I'm posting over here today.


1 Molly Mandeville Fryer said...

Girl--I couldn't make your email link work, so I am commenting here. You won my McCall's Magazine Subscription. I need an email addy and CONGRATULATIONS. Let me hear from you!!!

2 Michelle said...

Hey there! Just had to stop by and say I loved your post on Stash Manicure so much I came over and added you to my blogger list - I was just crackin up - you write the way I think! I read thru your last few posts - congratulations on all the recent wins. I haven't won anything yet but I just love knowing someone out there in quilty blogger land is getting a prize today. Hurray! Have a great quilty day!

3 Sparky said...

I just came over cause I could
and of course to tell you..sugar you rock..blessings msamm

4 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

You're a great guest poster. ;)

5 Cindy F said...

Got your package today! Thank you so much for the bag and all the goodies inside it! Wow!! Love it all.

I read your story in the book and it made me cry. My husband was asking what was wrong..."you got a package and now you're crying!"..what a beautiful testament to your mother.

Thank you again for the goodies and btw....enjoyed your post on Stash Manicure!

6 Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

Marlene, I've missed stopping by and you making my day with your post. Vacation starts tomorrow and then quilt show in Houston, then when I return it's back to the trade show for a weekend. Hopefully life will slow down a little and I'll be stopping by more. Love your post on your winning the fat quarters.