Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Oreo Cookie Faces

There are no words to describe the relationship between a child and an Oreo.


1 Julie Fukuda said...

Precious! Who needs words when there are Oreo cookies!

2 Di said...

Beautiful! I can see in their faces, too, that they love their Nana (almost) as much as those Oreos :-))

3 Lena . . . said...

What beautiful little people. You're so fortunate.

Anonymous said...

They look very clean to me, maybe you should have waited just a little longer to make their photo.
Mama Bear

5 Phyllis said...

cute :)

6 Val said...

So precious. Aren't we so blessed?

7 Arkansas Patti said...

There is no more child friendly cookie than an oreo. How cute.

8 Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Oh, how I love this post... and those cookies! :)

9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

they are so cute!! Next time give them a marshmellow to put between the two sides. Our boys love that. (As if the oreo isn't enough sugar)

10 Marge said...

Oh my! The kiddos could not be any cuter! Yup. Give a kid an Oreo and you've got a friend for life!

11 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

It truly is the simple things in life that bring the biggest smiles!
Love this post!
xx, shell

12 BarbCarol said...

How did he get so tall? When I saw him last he was only a few months old. Has it been so long ago?

13 Angie said...

Whoever makes Oreos ought to take you onto their marketing staff. What better caption could anyone write than yours under those fabpictures?

14 Purple Pam said...

Amen, Sister!