Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Book Review

Recently I was given the book Spiritual Warfare For Women Spiritual Warfare For Women by Bethany House Publishers in exchange for writing a review of it.  I was given a choice between several books but chose this one because it’s a subject that isn’t talked about much in my church but really ought to be!

The author, Leighann McCoy, started her foreword by reminding us of the mayhem taking place in our world today and wondering if Satan could have anything to do with it.  We know that Satan exists because he’s mentioned even by Jesus (John 12:31; 16:11), but just how is he working in our lives and how can we guard against his invasion?
The book is divided into four parts beginning with a discussion of the love of God, our most powerful weapon of all, worked through identifying the enemy and how/what Satan targets in our lives, and ended with how to defeat him.
There’s a lot of good information in this book but my favorite section was identifying “who my enemy is.”  I drew a double line under the statement “There is no opposite to God.  The devil is an opposite only to the archangel Michael.  He is a created being.  Remember two-thirds of the angels are on our side!”  This advice was given to the author by her pastor and is a great reminder that Satan can’t compete with our God!
In several sections Ms. McCoy focuses on relationships and how Satan tries to demolish them.  We women are so dependent on relationships…with our husbands, our children, our friends, our coworkers, our neighbors…because they seem to define us, that if we’re not careful Satan will try to undermine them, and thus gain entry into our lives. 
This was a good book, easy to read and understand, and will give you ammunition for the battles Satan wants to fight.


1 Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this, I'm going to order it right away. I have the gift of discernment, but when I tell someone they are under the enemy's attack, they look at me like I've lost my mind. Satan is the master of deception and he loves to rob, steal and destroy our marriages, families and lives. This book sounds like a great one to recommend to those who don't recognize his lies and temptations. Blessings!

2 Pokey said...

This is good to know, I'll be looking for it locally.

3 Sandy said...

Thank you for the book review. I'm reading a Beth Moore book right now but will certainly read this one. I know I define myself as a mother, wife and daughter and it will be nice to read how others look at the situation.

4 Tracy P. said...

Interesting you mentioned that Satan is not God's opposite--my pastor mentioned the same thing just this past Sunday. I think God is calling my attention to some of the battle going on in my world at the moment.

5 Unknown said...

Thanks for the review. I can only buy books at the second hand shop but I will keep my eye out for this...appreciate it..

6 Miss Hillbilly said...

There is a feeling that people think the devil is everywhere always watching. He is not. He's not omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, or any other omni!

Yes he does attack--but I am sure the book addresses that we give Satan too much credit.

I am looking for books to do on my Bible study blog, so thank you. I will try to pick it up!

7 Jenny said...

I haven't heard of this one. I'm reading 'When Godly People do Ungodly Things' by Beth Moore. It talks a lot about spiritual warfare & satanic seduction. It's a very good book on this subject too.

8 Gmama Jane said...

Sounds like a wonderful book to read for devotional time to go along with the Scriptures. I just talked with a young man this Sat. about Satan's attack on his 18 yr. marriage. Warfare is very real!!

9 Wendy said...

Dear Marlene ... thank you so much for your wonderful post and very nice book review! Your angel wings are showing and they are felt!! Blessings to you :)

10 Snoodles said...

Marlene, Thanks for this review...I will be looking for this book right away. I was so impressed by the portion that you underlined. It's so true, yet I had not thought of it in that way before. Thanks!
Jacque at Lilypadquilting

11 Pat - Arkansas said...

Sounds like an excellent book. Thanks for the review.