Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Passing of a Storm

 Sunday evening storm clouds gathered and the rains came forth.  And forth.  And forth!  It rained so hard I couldn't see my car in the parking lot just a few feet away.  It rained so hard that the already saturated ground rejected the offering and cast it up onto the sidewalk and the steps and nearly into the front door. But then the rain abated and eventually dwindled to a sprinkled drop or two as if God's hands were wet and He shook them to get off the last drops.  And finally it was gone.
We were left with the most amazing clouds and the softest of colors.  Those colors, if I could have captured them, would have been the ones I would choose for a nursery.  Soft blues and pinks.  It was just a whisper of a color really, not even a full blown color.

A rainbow was birthed by two clouds and if you look closely you can see the very beginning of it peeping out and beginning to wind it's way down, slowly, ever so slowly.

And then the rainbow was gone and the sky glowed.  It was as if the light we saw was an echo of some other light somewhere we couldn't see.  Perhaps it was a preview of Heaven.


1 Mary L. Briggs said...

Beautiful pictures, Marlene. I love the way the air smells after a storm! Maybe we'll get some of that up this way soon. It's dry, dry, dry out there:(

2 Marge said...

My grandpa called that sky color just after a storm "sky blue pink." Pretty appropriate, don't you think?

3 Wendy said...

Beautiful post, Marlene! Isn't God a magnificient artist? Thank you for taking the time to share!

4 Julie Fukuda said...

And if it brought a bit of cooler air and a whiff of damp earth with that sky ... perfection!

5 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Gorgeous pictures with such wonderful words . Thank you for sharing with such wisdom.

6 Miss Hillbilly said...

I am sure it was a preview of heaven! Very magnificent!

7 Lori said...

I've loved the storms when we've been in New Orleans. It would rain buckets and buckets and just that quick it would be over. Your pictures are beautiful!

8 Arkansas Patti said...

Wonderful sky shots and I am so glad you got rain.
Yesterday, Mom Nature spit on my windshield. 38 drops in 4 miles. Such a tease. They were big drops though:))
Hope you keep getting that lovely wet stuff.

9 Tracy P. said...

Wow, Marlene! You must've felt like Mrs. Noah. Were you listening for animal sounds? ;-)

10 Linda said...

Please ask the rain next time to come our way after leaving you! We were in such hopes of rain from the tropical storm that "almost" came our way, but it fizzled. We did get a little quick shower, but we are so dry it didn't do very much. I'm so glad you had a good rain!

11 Gmama Jane said...

Your pictures tell the story! God brings the storms but He's always there to show us the Rainbows! Lovely Post!

12 FabricFascination said...

Beautiful! I never tire of looking at the everchanging sky - God's canvas.

13 Carol said...

Beautiful pictures and descriptions, Marlene. Thanks for sharing.

Carol (NJ)

14 quilterfaye said...

Beautiful pictures and very appropriatewords and thoughts.still a bit stormy here,my grandson says they are bowling in Heaven.

15 Truffle queen said...

Such beautiful photos! Is there any place closer to God than in nature? Such wonderful peace! Thank you for sharing!