Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Paula Deen, Rachel Ray, Pioneer Woman, and Me

I can't cook.  I've told ya'll that over and over.  I hate cooking and my kitchen hates me.  I swear, that room is haunted by the first three of the above names.  But my husband's mother could cook.  That woman could cook really good stuff.  She made stuff I'd never heard of when we married but that I learned to love and miss to this day.  She made Okra Gumbo to die for and this stuff called Turnip Stew that sounds perfectly horrible but oh my it's good.  I don't eat Bell Peppers but I loved her Stuffed Peppers - I only ate the filling but she didn't care.  And every Friday night during football season (my husband was a ball player and then a coach) she made pimento cheese sandwiches.  Lots of pimento cheese sandwiches.  Everybody she knew would come looking for a pimento cheese sandwich and she made the best.  Now I make them for my quilt guild's snack supper and someone always asks me for the recipe.  Oh, and when my children have been especially good I make them, or if my husband asks for them, or if the sun shines, or if it rains.....we just like pimento cheese!

I start off with 2 lbs. (yes, I make a BIG bowl) of grated Cheddar Cheese.  I prefer to use one pound each of mild and sharp but if I can't find it or don't have it I use mild or medium or sharp or whatever says Cheddar on it.  This bowl was my grandmother's - I love it, crack and all.  It's my pimento cheese bowl and my bread bowl and my bowl I use any time I need a really big bowl.

Add two of the big jars of pimento.  Except they really aren't big - have you noticed that?  There's a small jar and a big jar.  The small jar is about the size of a quarter and the big jar is about the size of a half dollar. Well maybe that's an exaggeration; they could be a little bit bigger.  But not much!

Boiled eggs:  add some.  I think I might have put 5 1/2 in there.  I boiled eggs and the grandchildren love them so I had to boil more.  Except they only eat the whites.  The 1/2 came from the one the little guy took one bite out of and put back in the bowl.  I cut that half off.  Or did Grandpa eat that one?  Maybe I put 5 in there.  Chop them up some but don't grate them or make those tiny little pieces that you aren't even sure they're eggs any more.  When you stir this up those little pieces tend to disintegrate.

Chopped celery comes next.  I prefer the inner stalks, leaves and all, chopped fairly fine.  But if I've already used those I'll use the bigger stalks.  Just be sure you take most of the strings off and chop it pretty fine.  If the pieces are too big they'll get stuck in your teeth or something.

Isn't this gorgeous?

This part is tricky.  I add mayonnaise, light mayonnaise, and/or Miracle Whip.  I have no idea how much or in what combination.  Whatever is in the fridge is what goes in.  And then call in your husband to stir it up because it will make your arms really tired if you try to do it yourself.  Be sure you put in enough of that fattening stuff mayonnaise/Miracle Whip to make it pretty moist because after a day in the refrigerator it soaks it up.  And when you make this much, unless you're feeding an army, it will last for a while.

I made 20 sandwiches for my guild and there was enough left to make probably at least 10 or 15 more.  It's super food - good for making sandwiches, wonderful on crackers, even better in celery sticks, and you could even ice a cake with it.  Except I wouldn't eat the cake if you did.


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

My gran use to make pimento cheese sandwiches - oh what memories!! And I have her BIG cracked bowl too.

2 Michelle said...


3 Marie Rayner said...

I love your big bowl. I have always wanted a big bowl like that, with a crack in it that I could say was my nan's or mum's. I have never had Pimento cheese. I may have to give it a try. You make it sound very good! xxoo

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Wow, I must have been about 10 years old the last time I had a pimeto cheese sandwich. Have no idea why so long as it is great stuff.
Now I am hungry for it. Thanks.

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Oh that reminds me of when my Dad use to make pimento cheese. I knwe never what went into it.
Now Turnip stew, that sounds interesting, I make turnip kraut. This year we should have enough turnips to feed the county if they are produce.

6 Lori said...

I've never heard of a pimento cheese sandwich but it sure sounds good. I may have to give this a try!

7 Cheryl said...

Ahh man you just made my raisin toast look awful pitiful. Oh I must try this it looks so good. Your like me when it comes down to explaining a receipe and you know what Marlene that is the sign of a good cook cause we just know from taste and eyeballing it how much to add lol. I know how you feel about the bowl also isn't it wonderful to have treasures like that it just have stories and memories all over it. I was so hurt that someone in my family threw out my grandmothers old stained up half torn up cookbook. When she passed that was the only thing I wanted was that book. I guess that explains my love for old cook books I don't care how bad of a shape their in if I see one I grab it. Have a great day my friend
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

8 JudyCinNC said...

Well I have had pimento cheese and I love egg salad sandwiches, but to put them together will be a totally new experience - and I cannot wait to try this. My kind of sandwich and thank you for sharing this. Judy C in NC and I will let you know.

9 Tracy P. said...

That looks just scrumptious! I never heard of pimento cheese until I was in the Philippines teaching missionary kids and one of those missionaries served it. It's definitely a southern thing that I loved but never made. Now I can! Paula, Rachel and PW would be more than proud!

10 ColoradoBelle said...

I'm hoping some of that deliciousness makes an appearance in Estes park.....soon! We can't wait to see you guys.

11 Carrie P. said...

I love pimento cheese but never had it with egg in it before but I think I would like it.

12 FlourishingPalms said...

What a nice recipe. I've never heard of this, but it sounds good. Actually, much like the basic ingredients in my tuna salad, or potato salad - except for the cheese and pimento. Thanks for sharing!

13 Pokey said...

reading your recipe just made me feel like I was right there with you in your kitchen, Marlene! You are a doll!
I'm wanting to try this just because you make it sound so yum ~

14 Marilyn Robertson said...

Thanks for posting your recipe. I have enjoyed pimento cheese sandwiches in the past but they did not include celery or eggs before. Interesting!

15 Susannah said...

Now, that pimento cheese sounds really good, Malene. I think I have to make it. But what is this about turnip stew?????

I hope you are enjoying the last weeks of summer. Fall is just around the corner!

16 Grammy Staffy said...

I have not thought of pimento cheese sandwiches for a long time. Thanks for jogging my memory. As a child growing up in Texas and New Mexico, I used to eat them quite often. I will definitely try your recipe... but maybe a smaller version of it.

Hugs, Lura

17 Pat - Arkansas said...

Yum! I don't think I've ever eaten pimento cheese with eggs in it, but your MIL's recipe looks really, really good! My daddy made the home-made pimento cheese in our family, using an old-fashioned meat grinder, the one that screws to the table top. I still have it, but it's stored away. I wonder how it would do on celery and eggs?

18 Kathryn D. Duke said...

well, I knew your comments were going to be interesting, as we say here in the south!! ...they are!!
It is hard to believe the ones that have NEVER had or heard of pimento cheese...however, I must admit I have never heard of putting eggs OR celery in it, but I will try it because it sounds delicious...

Have my grandmama's cracked bowl too!!

19 Gmama Jane said...

I LOve homemade pimento cheese and have a friend that makes the best. However, I've never ever made it and you know how I like to eat..oops I meant to say cook! I will be making this recipe this week. I bet the eggs and celery will be a great addition.
You crack me up!
Gmama jane

20 Gmama Jane said...

P.S. I have My very own cracked bowl! I do my own cracking of dishes without any help from past relatives.
Gmama Jane

21 Linda said...

I don't think pimento cheese sandwiches are a Wyoming dish, so I will have to try it for the grands.

22 Barb said...

I love Paula Deen and your blog! I just found you today and became a follower! Will be reading older posts when I have time!