Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Do You Know What Happens When You Get Too Much Butter In The Cookie Mix?

They flatten out like a giant pancake.  :)

And the ones in the middle don't get done.  But the outside edges are quite crispy.  Can you say "fried"? I don't like raw cookie dough but those outside edges were quite tasty.  Ask me how I know.  I tried to eat my way around the outside so....the ladies in my quilt guild will be a few cookies short tomorrow night.

And someone should tell Paula Deen that despite her opinion, you can sometimes get a little too much butter.


1 Cheryl said...

lol Oh no Marlene I would say bake a few more batches or maybe you could do the get some store brought and fix them up to look homemade. I truly know the feeling on this I have had that happen to me before, I tried to camouflage mines with some butter cream icing. So I agree Paula needs to know that there are times you can have too much Butter! Have a wonderful evening my friend
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

2 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

LOL - looks like some cookies I have made over the years :)

3 Marie Rayner said...

LOL Marlene! You do make me laugh. I don't know why Paula Deen is not as big as a barn actually! I bet the edges were quite tasty! xxoo

4 Lori said...

oohhhh, been there done that! Frustrating but errors still taste good. :)

5 Arkansas Patti said...

Oh, you mean they aren't all supposed to be like that? Kind of what mine always look like. Paula does like her butter doesn't she.

6 Sparky said...

and the temperature was too high...loltoo much butter nahhhhh never have to much butter..whatUtalkingabout ? lol

7 Susan said...

Just hand out complimentary Lipitor.

8 Needled Mom said...

Been there and done that, but, yes, the edges are really yummy. Sigh!

9 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I would have eaten the edges too!! Yummy!

10 nanny said...

Well you get an A for they were still good!!

11 Grammy Staffy said...

Well if I were there I would help you eat those up. I love cookies... soft or crispy... it doesn't matter to me.

I just got a phone message from you yesterday but my cell phone didn't tell me when you left it. My cell often delivers my messages to me days after they were left... I am sorry that I missed your call. I listened to your message twice because I just love hearing your voice. Welcome back home. I hope that all of your yard work didn't wear you out too much. Just thinking about it makes me tired... but then breathing makes me tired these

Have a great week sweet friend. I am sending you hugs, Lura

12 Lea and her Mustangs said...

LOL - I knew that - wonder how I knew. Thanks for you comments on my blog.

13 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

LOL! I can just see you eating around the edges like a little mouse! Too funny!

14 Gmama Jane said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You would know the cookies would fail since you were supposed to take them to your quilt guild. If they were destined for Jerry, they would have turned out perfect!
BUTTER Luck next Time!!

15 BarbCarol said...

Do you know what happens when you get too much butter in the cook?

16 Lee said...

I am sure served w/ coffee no one will notice!

17 em's scrapbag said...

That explains my first attempt at chocolate chip cookies. They looked just like your except with chips. I was about 10 and my mom took a picture of them with me and my friend. Good memories. Thanks for the laugh.

18 Snoodles said...

That has happened to me oh, so many times, and it always seems to be when company is coming, or I have to take the cookies to a potluck! LOL
Better luck with the next the edges did taste good!

19 Val said...

Hey those cookies look just like some that I made the other day!!!! lol