Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Relaxation:  a nice soft "egg crate" foam, one of Grandma's quilts, a couple of fluffy pillows, a wonderful lake view, and the television is about 3 feet in front of her!

Cooperation:  It's hard to spread one I Pad among three children when they all want it at once but one time, and one time only, I caught the two girls actually helping the little guy play a game.

Anticipation:  she's patiently waiting and watching for big sister to vacate the pallet so she can take it over.

Instruction:  Grandpa was making hamburger patties.  I'm not sure what the little guy was telling him to do but he sure was intense!

Stupefaction (bewildered):  I've been in this car for two hours - where in the world are you guys taking me?

Transition:  moving kids from grandma's car to mom's car.  We had fun, but it was time.  :)


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

HAHAHA - yes, the grandparent "tion" time - and then truly time to go home.

2 Cheryl said...

Isn't great being Grandma compared to being Mom lol oh how sweet it is when they all come to visit and how wonderful it can be when it's time for them to go home lol..Your grands are adorable lucky you to have grand daughters all I have right now are boys! Have a great evening
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

3 Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Good Evening Sweetie...
What a beautiful post. Love it. Look at those precious faces and how lovely for them to share and help each other. Love it.

We love to see their faces when they come to visit, and their little heels of their shoes when they leave. We have 8 and they keep us all hopping.

Please stop over and leave a comment on my blog. We are celebrating the Miracle Makeover this week. I am one of the host blogs. It ends tomorrow at midnight, and for every single comment left, the sponsors will donate 1.00 towards the next miracle makeover next week. This is sponsored by Design Gives Back and Guidepost Magazine. Our makeover this year is 8 year old Charlie. He has cancer, brain tumors and is just the sweetest little guy. He will melt your heart. Please stop by and see the video. Leave a comment. Would love to have you count towards this beautiful cause.

Many hugs sweet friend, Sherry

4 FlourishingPalms said...

I think I heard feet plop on a sofa cushion, and a sigh of relief... didn't I?

5 Julie Fukuda said...

Lucky kids! My mother said, "I raised five kids, don't expect me to help with yours." Luckily I got the best mother-in-law in the world.
It looks like both you and the kids survived and have built memories to treasure.

6 Mary L. Briggs said...

They're all adorable!! I know you loved your visit with them~I can't believe how much that baby has GROWN:).

7 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh Grandma and Grandpa!! You were gone for so long and they were so happy to see you as you were to see them! I know a fun time was had by all, they are darling!

8 Carol said...

I'm glad you have more good memories of time spent with your grandchildren, Marlene. Now rest up!

Carol (NJ)

9 Arkansas Patti said...

Loved the sharing photo and that "hamburger helper". Great shots.

10 JudyCinNC said...

Being a great grandmother has it's rewards - you just have to sit there and be great. Nana just adores doing and having those little ones around all the time. When we go to visit we definitely enjoy the five-year old twin girls and three year old brother, but we sure do love leaving. Guess quiet has finally been in-grained into us and it is always good to be home. Judy c in NC

11 Purple Pam said...

Wow! I can't believe that you came home from your mission and had the grandkids visit right away. What brave grandparents you are! Yes, Paula Deen, you can put too much butter in the cookies. That I know from experience, too.

12 Pat - Arkansas said...

Great photos of your grands in 'tion' mode!

13 Carrie P. said...

3 little ones at time. I can only imagine how tired you were by the end of each day but I know you enjoyed each moment with them.

14 Gmama Jane said...

Cute post!!! I love the play on "tion"...very clever. Yes, I know all about "it was fun, but it was time" HA!!
Gmama Jane