Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Do You Use Space Bags?

Why is it that stuff in my linen closet seems to multiply when I close the door and it gets dark in there?  I confess I usually have nice, organized (sort of) closets.  In  my linen closet I even have labels that say, "twin sheets", "double sheets", "beach towels", etc.  I know, sickening isn't it?  Anyway I also must have a bit of a hoarder in me because I just can't get rid of sheets.  They're perfectly good and I might need them one day but since I went from a 5 bedroom house to a 2 bedroom plus sleeper sofa house I don't need them all at once.  And since my grandchildren and my children come to visit I need extra pillows.  Say "yes, you do Marlene".  I needed a solution to the overflow.  So this week I drug out the extras and dumped them on the floor.

Four Pillows
One set of twin sheets and four sets of queen sheets plus three flat king sheets.

And then I went to Bed, Bath and Beyond (love that store!) and bought space bags.  All those extras now look like this:

I closed the closet door and haven't looked back.  I mean I really haven't looked back.  I'm scared to.  What will happen if one of those bags springs a leak?  Will it blow up when I open the door?  It won't knock the house off it's foundation, right?  Say, "No, it won't Marlene."


1 Julie Fukuda said...

If they have bags of their own it should keep them from multiplying, right? When I had shelves I did that too ... lables. Now it is buckle boxes. This place is so darn small that if it isn't put away properly, you will never see it again in a coons age.

2 Carol said...

Sounds like you have a good plan, Marlene. LOL at labelling your closet shelves.

Carol (NJ)

3 Helen said...


Can you come to my house and help me organize?

I'm a seriously unorganized person at home.


4 Marie Rayner said...

You can also use black bin bags. That's what I used when I moved over here. It saved a lot of space in my suitcases!

5 Peggy Lee said...

I recently used a BUNCH of those bags and as far as I know, I have only had one spring a leak. It is currently all swelled up under my bed. I really need to drag it out and such the air out of it again. I love them...when they work!

6 Lori said...

I've never used the space bags but I agree with the linen closet. It's almost a gremlin gets in there overnight and dances on everything just to mess it up. Your plan seems to be working though! :)

7 Teresa said...

I have been wondering if those vacuum bags are as good as they show on tv. I might have to try it son.

I did recently purge the linen closet, saving just two sets of sheets for each bed. And now we are looking at getting more beds, LOL!

8 FlourishingPalms said...

What I think is that the Space Bag company should GIVE you some bags after reading this blog post! I think they're useful too. I've stored in several of them, all the little girl dresses and outfits I smocked when my now-34 year-old was a child. With three grandsons thus far, I'm hoping those space bags hold their vacuum for many years to come.

9 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I store the extra bed pillows in the space bags but hadn't thought to get another one for sheets - I should because I too have extra sheets that I haven't gotten rid of (and probably should) - it would keep them better.

10 Anne C said...

Hi Marlene.

11 Pamela Kieffer said...

I must really be out of it. What is a space bag?

12 Needled Mom said...

I love them and use them all the time so "No, they won't, Marlene."

13 Truffle queen said...

Since we spend the winter in FL - I use Space Bags by the gross! When we don't have company - I have all the extra pillows, etc in the bags UNDER the beds! Then when we leave for the summer - I put all the linens in the bags and know they won't get musty, dusty, buggy - whatever can happen in FL! They are GREAT!!

14 Wendy said...

Oh Marlene Dear! You do make me laugh!! It wouldn't dare explode on you, especially if you used the newly freed space to pile in more stuff. .... lol lol lol :) Thank you so much for sharing the giggles just thinking about you sneaking past your closet in fear of a possible explosion LOL :)

15 Pat - Arkansas said...

Linen closet? Lucky you! No linen closet here, I'm sorry to say. My little home was built back in the days when (evidently) folks had only one set of sheets for the bed -- off on wash day, back on again (and hope it didn't rain). I remember my mother storing an extra set of sheets between the mattress and springs, at the foot of the bed. I have a few space bags, the sort that look like canvas blocks and are stackable. Winter comforters and quilts spend the summer in them, and I have one that's almost full of skeins of yarn for my Shawl Ministry projects.

16 Cheryl said...

Okay here's the deal Marlene I have no linen closet in this house I mean who builds a house with no linen closet and I have an obsession with linens especially white and vintage. Sew sad to say I too much but I do use them all. I brought some space bags years ago but I couldn't get them to shrink down so I got frustrated and haven't tried them again so the deal is you come to my house after I go purchase a bunch of bags and help me out of this organizational mess lol.
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

17 Gmama Jane said...

I have my linen closet labeled as well! I haven't used space bags before but have thought about it for my extra comforters that I change out seasonally. Need to give them a try!

18 Sheila said...

Terrific idea to organize those extra sheets and pillows , too bad there isn't one of those stores close by , must check around though.

19 Sparky said...

No I don't ...being a is not necessary I do which surprises most only 1 wardrobe for all of my clothes...albeit it is a very large wardrobe..but just the answer is NO I dont' use those bags...I hate wrinkles...I would be beside myself lol

20 Purple Pam said...

Yes, you do, Marlene.

No it won't, Marlene.

Yes you will stick to your list Marlene! ROFLOL!

21 Mary L. Briggs said...

Of course you need all those sheets! You never know when you might have a crowd show up to stay, LOL!

I love those bags. We use them for all our off season clothes. I meant to use some for some extra sofa pillows, but ran out of bags before I got to them:(

22 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a great idea! I have heard of those bags and it is neat to see how they work. I'm like you and always like to have extra blankets, sheets and pillows on hand.

23 correspondent said...

"Hi Marlene,

Thanks for choosing Space Bag to help you on your mission to declutter the linen closet. We're glad the vacuum-seal bags were able to help store your extra linens. Just wanted to let you know Space Bag has an online community called Space Savers where we offer organizing tips and space-saving advice, plus special discounts for members. Feel free to visit us at for more closet-organizing fun.

Best wishes,
Space Savers correspondent"