Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Basket Grew!

I showed a picture of this whole cloth pillow top earlier before I finished the stitching but here it is finished.  I took the last few stitches last night - almost the last night we'll be here at the mission (leaving tomorrow).
I should know the answer to this but I don't.  I know I have to wash this to get the blue marks off but exactly how would you do that?  Should I just throw it in the washer - this came preprinted and I didn't keep the package.  Should I maybe put it in a lingerie bag and wash it?  Should I hand wash it?  I'm planning a throw pillow, not a pillow cover, so I can't wait until it's completely done.  I hate when my brain goes on vacation.

Yesterday and today I've spent a little time packing up for the trip home.  Don't tell my husband but this basket, it might have been empty when we came down here.
In my defense remember that I won a $100 gift certificate while I was here from The Borne Quilter in Lafayette.  Maybe I might have bought a few extra things above that $100.  :)  He will say, "How am I going to get all this in the car - we're already full!" and I will say, "All those fat quarters will just tuck in anywhere!" and He will say, "mumble, grumble, #&*".  And I will smile.  And he will fit it all in.


1 Vroomans' Quilts said...

I love your 'treat' basket - you deserve to treat yourself and it was with a gift certificate (mostly).

2 quilterfaye said...

What great"goodies". i love that husbands feel they have to express themselves in grumbles sometimes,I think they do it to get the praise when they accomplish something they said couldn't be done. lol

3 Carol said...

My reply to that question would be, never mind, I'll find room! lol But I'm glad he would grumble softly to himself and find room. It looks like a nice basket of goodies for you to create with!

Safe travels home, Marlene!

Carol (NJ)

4 FlourishingPalms said...

To wash out blue marker it's best to completely immerse the quilt in cold water. Generally, even if my quilt isn't bound, I first fill the washing machine with cold water (no soap), then immerse the quilt. I set the machine on delicate and allow the machine to go through a couple agitation cycles. Then I move the dial to spin, but I don't allow the machine to run the full cycle. Remove the quilt and lay it flat on towels to air dry. That's the "blocking" part. However you do it, be sure to get the quilt good and wet so all that chemical washes away. (I used to spritz off the blue, but discovered that it just migrated to a different spot in the quilt.) Gosh, all we need is to be reminded of your lucky win, and the pile of loot you have to get back home! Don't we feel sorry for you! LOL

5 JudyCinNC said...

What a wonderful basket of goodies - might have to leave behind a cooler or bag of groceries, but not the basket. Judy C wishes she had this problem. LoL

6 sunny said...

What a good hubby. And your secret is safe with me!

7 Ray and Jeanne said...

I agree with Linda - cold water and no soap. But before doing that, I'd stitch around the very edge to be sure you don't get a lot of raveling. That basket of goodies has me drooling!

8 Nancy said...

When i am rinsing just one block I will turn the piece upside down and hold it under running water in my kitchen sink.. I use the sprayer...

Then I lay it out on a thick towel to dry until morning...

9 Arkansas Patti said...

I'm with JCnNC. Groceries can always be replaced. Not so easy with that basket of goodies.
Have a safe trip home.

10 Cheryl said...

I am always in ahhh when I see the beautiful stitching done by quilters. I can only dream and admire the delicate work and time it takes to make a quilt. Your basket is like candy! Have a wonderful trip
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..Snatch JOY~!

11 Julie Fukuda said...

I have a few of those pre-printed blocks too. I was thinking they are so grubby from being carried around for years that I might sew them into pillows and wash them before stuffing. (some are so old the blue has faded to brown).
Your husband packs the car? Mine can't even pack his own suitcase!

12 Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

I agree with Linda and I also agree with Jeanne about stitching around the edge first. I always do that on all my handstitched stuff. Fabulous goodie basket!! Fabulous hubby too. ;)
xx, shell

13 Lee said...

There is always room to be found for fabric!

14 Michelle said...

Welcome back home, Marlene! Heck, if there isn't room for your basket, you can always hold it on your lap!!!

I just noticed you put me on your sidebar. You are so sweet! Love you girl!

15 Quilt n Queen said...

Save trip home Marlene.....there is no place like home!!!!

16 Sparky said...

WEll let me say this is a pretty nice baskets of goodies...I guess you won't need anymore will you ? lol