Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Three grandchildren, one grandmother.  We started out like this:
First Andrew wanted the "little bed" (a loveseat that makes a twin bed) with the picnic quilt.  I won this quilt from Nan Slaughter over at Pots and Pins several months ago and it has fast become a family favorite.  :)
But honestly, no one could possibly expect this little guy to be still for five minutes right?  So next was the biggest sister taking her turn with the picnic quilt.
Littlest sister was perfectly content sleeping in the big chair with the pinwheel quilt.  After all, she's a tiny thing and fits just fine.  And as long as she has the IPad she can stay for hours in that one spot.

But then it came time for lights out.  Andrew elected to sleep with Grandma.  The girls were just fine where they were.  The french doors were open between them and me so they could see me and hear me.  This would be perfect, I just knew it would, and I would sleep so good.  And I did.  Until the two girls decided that they really needed to be in bed with me too.  That happened about 30 minutes after lights out.  Biggest sister was across the foot of the bed, little brother in the middle, littlest sister on the other side.  I dozed.  A little.  Until 2:00 a.m. when brother needed milk.  And he must have needed it really bad because he yelled milk over and over until I got it.  Then at 2:30 a storm blew up.  Only wind, no rain, but trees waving and dancing and making lots of noise.  I moved to the little bed where I slept until grandpa got up at 6:00.  Where was he all that time?  Oh he was in the back bedroom on the other side of the house sleeping soundly.  Anybody want him?  I'm giving him away for free.


1 Chris said...

Priceless.......and would you have it any other way?

2 Vroomans' Quilts said...

That is too funny. Maybe the nights will get better. But who else to please than grandma.

3 sunny said...

LOL! Who would want a grandpa who is not properly trained? Good luck finding any takers. And enjoy making new memories with the little ones Soon they'll be grown and gone. Get lots of hugs and kisses.

Anonymous said...

The first picture just warmed my heart!!! LOVE that little face! How fun to have your grandkids spend the night...I'm waiting for the day that my little Max will be big enough to come and stay (he lives 800 miles away!) and I loved the rest of the pics, too....oh how I remember those storms!! We don't get storms, we just get steady rain!! Thanks so much, those pics just made my day and I'm so, so happy you won the quilt!!! xoxoxo, Nan

5 Sheila said...

Cute story , thanks for the smile today !

6 Arkansas Patti said...

He may have slept better but you got all the warm fuzzies. Enjoy those pile ons.

7 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh, I know you who cares about sleep when you have little ones to cuddle with. I bet you missed them so much and could not wait to see them! So sweet and so much fun!

8 Julie Fukuda said...

Oh, just celebrate their visit and the fact your bed is big enough to hold that many. Sure wish my Grandkids were here...even the wild wired ones. Rest time??? What's that?

9 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Good luck trading your Grandpa off. I have one, I don't need another.
Thank goodness our little ones are good sleepers. That is until 7:00 AM ON THE DOT!!
Enjoy them, they grow fast.

10 Lea and her Mustangs said...

I am laughing. I needed a good laugh this evening. Thank you for the story

11 Linda said...

How funny! I understand completely!

Anonymous said...

Sounds just like the grandpa in my house....
You'll really be ready to sleep after this is past.
Mama Bear

13 Grammy Staffy said...

This is soooo funny and so true. When my 3 come one or two usually end up in bed with us... however, usually not all 3.. at least until early morning. Well, let dear hubby who is well rested play with them while you take a well deserved nap.

Enjoy the grands... I know you do.
Hugs, Lura

14 Gmama Jane said...

Roger and I have had a good laugh over your "sleep-over"!! Especially when jerry bailed out on you somewhere around 2:00 I'm guessing! Perhaps before?? Roger chuckled with that "all-knowing chuckle" coming from one who has bailed out himself more than a few times! OH this was priceless my friend. From one who has experienced more than a few nights just like this it sounds much funnier when it happens to someone else and I'm the one reading about it from the vantage point of a good night's sleep. Oh, the joys of having your Grandpeeps stay over night with you! i WOULD LOVE TO BE A FLY ON THE WALL. I am keeping 4 of mine this week as theri Mother went back to school. Today was a day off due to Roger's little skin cancer removal surgery (Mohs surgery?) Keep us entertained with more stories.

15 quilterfaye said...

Isn't it great being grandma?! As for grandpa no takers here. Not untilhe's fully trained. Did he perhaps make breakfast while you went for a couple of hours sleep in his bed? hope so.

16 Carol said...

LOL, Marlene...sounds like a good start to your little vacation with your wonderful darlins! Keep the stories coming. I love to read them.

Carol (NJ)

17 Bonny said...

I have a husband I will donate - you can make it a bogo free:)