Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summertime Quilting

I love this quilt!  It's one of those easy jelly roll quilts where you sew all the strips together end to end, cut off the first 18", then put the two ends together and sew the length until you come to the end and do it all over again.  Make sense?  Anyway, I made this one in April at our Quilt retreat (I love it!  I was previewing this when I realized I typed guilt retreat instead of quilt retreat!  Freudian slip?) but this week I finally got it quilted.  I did a very simple wavy line in every strip, then an extra wavy line between every other line.  I just wanted it to have a little  movement and I think that did the trick.  It isn't the oldest top I have that needed quilting, but it just screams Summertime to me so I loved working on it.  The binding is strippy, made from a few strips I saved back for it.
Edit:  if you are interested in making this quilt look at this link: 

Hmmm, a little out of focus?  Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?  With the aging process I never know.  :)  This wholecloth pillow is the one I finished on the mission trip this summer.  I washed it, put the backing on it, bled on it, washed it again, and finally stuffed it and stitched it closed.  It's very plain but if you could see it the stitching isn't bad!

I made this Autumn table runner this week too.  I did a machine blanket stitch around each letter and each leaf, then to quilt it I did an outline stitch around each leaf.  I thought it didn't need much quilting so I put the binding on and called it good.  But I didn't like it and it kept fussing at me.  I'm not sure how that works but it's like things yell at me when they aren't finished.  You understand that, right?  So I went back and stippled the whole thing...well not the leaves, but the whole background.

Now it's happy.  Or at least I think it is because it's silent.

I've done a couple of other little things this week too...appliqued my initial on my quilt wrap, traced off the ingredients for a table topper for Thanksgiving (cornucopia) and chosen the fabrics for it, found backs for two quilts, one table topper, and two baby blankets and stacked them neatly on my sewing table so they can wait for me, and worked on my embroidered Twas The Night Before Christmas.  Whew!

And this morning I'm leaving....not on a jet plane (do you remember that song - can't get it out of my head) but in my trusty vehicle, to meet my sister at a friend's house in northwest Arkansas.  I plan to hit at least four quilt shops.  Can you say, "hold on to your wallet!"  Honestly, I only need one or two small things.  I have a list.  I will stick to my list.  I will stick to my list.  I will try to stick to my list.

I'm leaving hubby at home.  I will try to stick to my list.


1 Shari said...

I've seen these jelly roll quilts. I have a retreat coming up so may just have to try one, although I am trying to resist starting something new...

2 Marie Rayner said...

I have a jelly roll thingie that I have been wondering what to do with. How many jelly rolls do you need to make a quilt Marlene??? Love yours. It is beautiful!! xxoo

3 Julie Fukuda said...

Love that jelly roll. The colors are so restful. Have a great visit. At least your priorities are right ... list with you and hubby at home.

4 Arkansas Patti said...

Aw thanks. Now that song is in my head. Grrr.
I love the table runner. It reminds me that Fall is not that far off.
Have a safe and fun trip.

5 quilterfaye said...

Hi Marlene, I love the colour combination of your jelly roll quilt. have not heard of pattern before.
good luck with your shopping trip . No way I could stick to a list for fabric shopping.

6 Gail said...

Enjoy your outing...hey, try to stick to your list!

7 FlourishingPalms said...

These are several pretty finishes, Marlene. It's always nice to see what you're working on. Have a fun time away.

8 Michelle said...

Your quilt, pillow, and table runner are all beautiful! I'm glad your table runner was yelling at you, because it has the beauty it deserves. I know you will enjoy it SEW MUCH MORE!

Hope you have a great time with your sister, and don't try too hard to stick to your list. It is sure hard to resist all the eye candy in those shops!

9 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

have fun visiting your sister and visiting your quilt shops - you will have tell us which ones you visited and how you liked them.
love the quilt.

10 Lori said...

Great projects! I really like that strippy quilt. I've never seen one, can you believe it?
Have fun at the quilt shops and good luck sticking to your list! I always say that too but then something usually calls my name that I HAVE to have. LOL

11 Linda said...

The quilt is wonderful! Great job!
Have a blast! I hope you find a lot of bargains!

12 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Right, two things! Too funny!

13 Carol said...

Wow, you have been one busy lady! Guess you've recovered from watching the grands. lol Good luck sticking to your shopping list!

Carol (NJ)

14 Lee said...

Love the jelly roll quilt. Very pretty. I made one this summer and need to quilt it too!

15 sunny said...

Is THAT how you put together those strippy quilts? I received one in a swap, and I just love it. I have a ton of strips leftover from another quilt, so I'm heading down right now to start sewing them together......

16 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I think you should let that list fly out the window!! I love your jelly roll quilt, thank you for the link, I am going to check it out. Just reading all you did this week makes me tired!! Have a wonderful and safe trip.

17 Sandy said...

The quilt does look like summer.... okay, I remember the song and, thanks, now it's stuck in my head !!!! LOL

18 Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

I love this quilt too...just made one last week for a college girl. I added bigger borders to mine, now if I could blogger to let me post???? Not sure what is up with that. Love the way yours turned out.

19 Val said...

You have been a busy bee!!! Have a great time sticking to your list!!!

20 Val said...

You have been a busy bee!!! Have a great time sticking to your list!!!

21 Purple Pam said...

I have made two jelly roll quilts. I like one and love the other one! I am running a Jelly Roll Race 1600 at our Camp Stitches event in September. Can't wait!!!

22 Adrienne said...

Love your stitching. That quilt is wonderful! I need to clean my sewing room and get busy in there again. You're an inspiration, my friend!