Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Wanttobe Quilter Campaign Is Here!

Today's the day!  The first day of the Wanttobe Quilter Campaign at Stash Manicure.
I posted about this last week but here's a reminder of what to do so you will be eligible:

Everyone is eligible!  There are two categories:  the first is for the new quilter, the person who wants to be a quilter but who doesn't have much in the way of equipment or supplies.  There are prizes that will help you get that start you need...everything from thread to rotary cutters, from rulers to sewing machines.  The second category is for the "old" quilter, the person who's been quilting for a while but who would love to win some great prizes to add to their stash.

Both groups of quilters register in the same way - you send your name, e-mail address and telephone number to a blogger who has the Wanttobe Quilter Campaign button on their blog, like the one I have posted.  You must follow or subscribe to that person's blog as well as to Stash Manicure (  Then beginning next Monday, August 1, Stash Manicure will begin giving away prizes, five days a week for three months.  Three months!!!  On Monday, Wednesday and Friday all you new wanttobe quilters should read the post and COMMENT so that your name will be entered into the drawing.  If you sign up with me you must leave my name in your comment every time...that's so I will also be eligible to win.  :)  If you're an experienced quilter you must comment on Tuesday and/or Thursday's post, also leaving my name.  If you don't comment you don't get entered that day. 

Because all of the prizes are being shipped from Madame Samm (that's where all the sponsors are sending the goodies) you will have to pay postage because heavens, with that many prizes, there's no way she could afford all that postage.  I'm just so thankful that she has come up with this wonderful giveaway and is donating her time and labor to coordinate it - what a blessing that is for all of us!

I've got lots of followers out there that I haven't heard from and I know you all want to win some of these prizes!  So e-mail me your information (I promise not to share it with the world!) and then be sure you follow Stash Manicure so you can comment and win.  You can e-mail me at mbushretiredotgmaildotcom.  I want some of my friends to win...and I'm hoping to win something too.  :)


1 Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Just emailed you my information. What a fun giveaway. Love your blog too! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

2 Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Just emailed you my information. What a fun giveaway. Love your blog too! Hugs, Bobbi Jo

3 quilterfaye said...

Hi Marlene,Just emailed you my info. Are you suree your email is right?? I sent to @gmail instead of dot gmail. let me know.

4 Arkansas Patti said...

If my hands didn't look like the "mob" had worked me over, I would. Will have to pass but thanks anyway.

5 Sheila said...

Will email you my info in a few minutes , sounds like a lot of fun.

6 Lee said...

I already emailed - I am back from vacation and ready ! thanks!

7 BarbCarol said...

Okay, Marnie. I sent you my info. Followed all directions : Wantobe button on my blog (got yours on there too!), joined Stashmanicure blog and Heather's blog, commented on Heather's blog --- twice. Comments didn't appear. What did I miss?