Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Monday, August 8, 2011

There's No Place Like Home

It was good to get home Friday night, even if it was 111 degrees on our deck.  I'm not kidding - that was the temperature.  The sun went behind a cloud and yippee the temperature went down to 109!  We stopped to get milk and bread on our way home, thinking we could survive if we had those two items and the pavement when we opened the car door, well let's just say I closed the door quickly and told DH I thought I'd just wait in the car with the air conditioning on thank you very much.  He didn't agree.  I swear the bottoms of my feet burned through my shoes!

Saturday morning I woke up with a migraine.  Never having had one of those before I inquired of my husband  if maybe I'd had a bottle or six of wine the night before and just didn't remember.  The light hurt my eyes, my hair hurt and the skin on my head was way too tight.  Good grief.  A couple of Aleve later I was functioning....slowly.  I unpacked some in between rest periods and even made a trip to Sam's.  And it was tax-free weekend.  Everyone and his brother and two old maid aunts was at Sam's.  But with three grandchildren coming on Monday I had to stock up on nutritional snacks like cheese dip and chips, chocolate chip cookies and whole milk.  Yes, I did buy whole milk which hasn't been seen in my house since my youngest, who is now 35 years old, was a teen.  Every time I look at it I gain 5 pounds.

And speaking of weight I weighed when I got home.  Big mistake.  Eating in a cafeteria for 9 weeks, where the food is delicious but preserved in sodium, I had gained a bit.  I'm having to soap up my hands to get my rings off!  I'm hoping that after drinking a gallon of water a day for a month that will come off.  As soon as the children have come and gone I'll be back on Weight Watchers.  Or fasting, depending on how many of those cookies I eat.

On top of all that our internet is only working from 6:00 - 8:00 a.m.  I have nothing good to say about that.  You can imagine what I'm thinking though.

But the best thing of all, well maybe the only good thing, this weekend was Sunday afternoon in the sewing room.  My trusty Janome was waiting patiently for me and sewed like a dream.  Lots of half square triangles were made - 60 to be exact - for an exchange I'm participating in with my guild.  The final product is to be presented a week from today (it's a surprise) - yikes!  Can you imagine me trying to finish this with a 2 year old, a 5 year old, and a 10 year old?  Me either.  Wish me luck.  Or come over here and help me babysit.


1 Sharon said...

Sounds like fun times at your house with the grandkids and I think alike, lots of nutricous snacks! I spent Sunday afternoon in the sewing room as well...a nap or time in the sewing room is my favorite way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Have a great week, hope it cools off soon.

2 Carol said...

Oh Marlene, I feel your pain! Did you ever figure out what caused that migraine? Maybe it was just from the heat? Glad you're feeling better, although a bit heavier. Good luck shedding the extra pounds. Enjoy the g'kids. Sounds like fun times!

Glad you got some sewing in too.

Carol (NJ)

3 Tracy P. said...

I'm glad you're home Marlene, and hope you will be feeling great to enjoy those kids.

I often associate a bad headache with dehydration--with that heat it is a possibility. Those gallons of water may be exactly what you need.

4 Needled Mom said...

Welcome home. In spite of the heat and migraine, I am sure it feels great to be back. There is nothing like a great day of sewing to make you feel better.

Wishing you luck on the stitching with the wee ones around. I know you will have fun with them.

5 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Welcome home!
Those grandkids will wear you out! I've been letting my 2 yr old sit on my lap when I sew. Maybe, just maybe she will take an intrest in it.
Have a great week.

6 sunny said...

Never a dull moment around you, is there? With that heat, don't forget ice cream is a very nutritious snack! Enjoy every minute with those precious little ones.

7 Gail said...

Sounds like success and fun on all fronts, even with the extreme heat.

8 Lee said...

Good luck w/ the sewing and grandkids! hope the heat at least lets up a bit.

9 Arkansas Patti said...

That's right, you have missed all these glorious 100+ days that have gone on and on and on. Don't worry, you will sweat enough just going to the mail box to get those Louisiana pounds off.
Cheer up, cooler days (only in the
90's)are almost here. Just in time for company. Enjoy those grands.

10 Vroomans' Quilts said...

Glad you are home safely. Oh, heat will bring on headaches - and such. Yes, lots of water is my method of weight loss. Enjoy the grands, they grow up too quick and then don't visit as often.

11 Lea and her Mustangs said...

Yes HOME, its great to go but fun to get home. Am glad your headache cleared up, have had migrains all my adult lfe. Lord, heal her. They hurt something fierce. I think I got all the right things going now on the give aways. Am hoping anyway. I think I am a slow learner.

12 Di said...

Welcome home, Marlene. That heat sounds really dreadful and I'm not surprised you had a migraine. Hope minding the grandchildren isn't too tiring for you, though I know you love doing it.

13 Grammy Staffy said...

How I wish that I could come over and help you babysit while you sew. I could bring plenty of cake to eat!

Welcome home. I hope it cools down for you. It has been in 100s for weeks here but the last few days has cooled to the 90s. I used to think it was hot in the 90s but compared to the triple digits it is pleasant.
At least we don't get the humidity that you do .... so I shouldn't complain.

Have fun with the kiddos. I know that you will.

Thanks again for your constant love and support. You are a dear friend. Hugs, Lura

14 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

welcome home - you have missed most of the heat wave - drink your water and eat healthy and you will be back to normal in no time at all!! have a good visit with the kids. that headache very well could have been from the heat (change of temperature thing you know)