Don't let the difficulties of the present moments overshadow the reality of God's promises. God's promises still stand. And God's promises are stronger than our failures.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I started my week last Sunday by going to see these two pretty ladies - on the left is Anne (I went to high school with her) and on the right is my sister Sherry.  Anne's house in northwest Arkansas is halfway between Sherry and I so we met in the middle and got to spend three days with each other and with Anne.  Anne and Sherry both had husbands who worked for the railroad when they were young-just out of school-raising kids, and became fast friends when their daughters took dancing lessons together.  We all share the same faith, the same memories, the same friends - which of course means we laughed and we cried and we told secrets...none of which I will share with you here.  :)  

Driving up to Anne's means going through the mountains - a beautiful drive no matter the weather.  The whole time I was there it was cloudy with a few showers and every once in a while a glimpse of the sun.

The roads were curvy.... 
And I had to go through this tunnel.... 
that is really dark and scary inside! 
But besides the great visit I also got to see this gorgeous chapel in Bentonville - an unexpected treasure in that small town. 

When I got home on Wednesday I was just in time for my husband to take off for the deer woods.  Yes, I know it isn't deer season but you see here in the south there's this phenomenon that I call pre-season madness where they all go to the camp to "get it ready."  I'm not sure what they do there, and I don't really want to know, but I think they mow and put out corn and rebuild winter weathered deer stands, and eat and tell lies.  I'm positive about the lies.

That meant I got to spend three days in the sewing room.  I've had this project on my mind for a while so I focused on it the whole time and ended up with these table toppers:
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town!


Autumn Leaves

The other three are completely finished - binding and all.  This one is about 3/4 finished...I've done the blanket stitching but haven't finished the embroidery.  The others were done completely on the machine but this one is hand appliqued and embroidered.  My goal is to do one for each month so I'm well on my way. I already have a July one but I just can't decide on September - when I do it I'll have one for each of the last 6 months of the year.  The first 6 months won't be too hard to pick I don't think - snowmen for January, hearts for February, kites for March, flowers for April, ??? for May, and something summer for June.  Got any suggestions for me?  I mean seriously, I could use some ideas!

And this week I'm going to clean out the camper, scrub it from the winter, restock the pantry, put in my winter duds, gather up some stitching and the lawn chairs, and be sure I have lots of quilts.  In a couple of weeks we'll be heading to Winfield, Kansas for a bluegrass festival and then on to Estes Park, Colorado to spend hours in the Rocky Mountains watching animals and shivering beside the camper visiting with friends.  The night temperatures there are in the forties - yea!  And the bluegrass festival in Kansas - so fun!  Lots of contests...fiddle, dulcimer, guitar and more.  Lots of festival food....turkey legs, roasted corn, ice cream, funnel cakes.  Hmmm, I better be sure I have plenty of Tums.  :)  I'll take some pictures of the camper when I get it all cleaned.  It's a wonderful home-away-from-home...two recliners, a king sized bed, a full sized shower, and the most important thing of all....a bathroom!

One of the blessings of my life is that I have generous family and friends who are willing to house sit, get my mail, sit on my deck, water my flowers.  Of course, it helps that we live on a lake.  :)  Tell the truth, you'd want to sit out here and watch the world go by too...right?


1 Carol said...

Wow, Marlene, you have sure been ambitious! I need to hear what you've been doing more often, to get me motivated. We just returned home from a very long summer at the shore with my mom and I'm looking forward to lots of quiet time. Course it didn't start off quiet, what with Hurricane Irene jumping on us! :-( No damage...yet. It's very windy and I'm praying the trees out back don't decide to lose a limb or completely fall! The wind gusts are horrendous!

Anyway, have fun on your upcoming trip to the festival and then Colorado! Sounds lovely even though it will be cool!

Carol (NJ)

2 Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

one of my many nieces got married in that church about 10 years ago! it is a beauty isn't it. I always slow down when I go through that tunnel for some reason - don't know why I just feel safer going at 60 instead of 70 - usually no traffic behind me anyhow.

3 Ray and Jeanne said...

Oh, how I'd love to go along to Estes Park. It is one of my (our) favorite places! Have fun!

4 Michelle said...

Your trip visiting your sister and friend sounded just divine. Her house is gorgeous!

I'd love to house sit on your lake. Too bad I live so far away. Your camping trip sounds wonderful, and your projects are gorgeous. So are you, my friend. Sending hugs! Michelle

5 sunny said...

April showers, May flowers, September mabe a stack of schoolbooks with an apple on top or beside? June has Flag Day. I rember going to Estes Park as a child and having so much fun. Enjoy!

6 Cheryl said...

Marlene that is so wonderful to be able to get out and travel. There is nothing so wonderful being able to share time with good friends. Your house being on the lake is like a dream I can only imagine.

I love all the projects that you made especially the Santa. I am a big Christmas lover. Have a wonderful trip
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl...Snatch JOY~!

7 Gail said...

June is usually wedding month so making some bells and flowers...or you could go with a sail boat.

Enjoy you trip, sounds wonderful.

8 Julie Fukuda said...

I thought I was doing well with a runner for each season. You have just reised the bar!

9 Karen said...

You are on a roll. The Santa is very cute.

10 Lori said...

Love all your table runners. How about fireflies for June or July and maybe something school-ish for September? I wish I lived close enough to house sit for you. I'd do it in a minute to have that kind of view! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that church! I haven't been there for about 20 years - when we used to live in Rogers! It's so beautiful and I remember what a peaceful feeling there is there...thanks so much for posting that pic! So glad you had a great trip! xo, Nan

12 Grammy Staffy said...

Yes I do want to sit out by your lake and watch the world go by. You are so blessed to live in such a beautiful place. We have a river behind our house but it is fenced off. Even if it wasn't there is poison oak and it is too muddy and marshy to enjoy going down to it. So all these years the river runs by us unnoticed. What a shame. I would much prefer your lake with the beautiful view from your porch.

I am glad that you had such a nice visit with your sister and your friend. What a joy.

As always I am in awe of your sewing projects. They are beautiful. Have a good week my friend. Hugs, Lura

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14 Linda said...

What a gorgeous chapel!!!
How about apples or school supplies for September (although most schools now start in August - ugh!) May is Mother's Day so maybe some type of animal and it's baby?

15 Carrie P. said...

Yes, I would love to sit by your lake. I don't think I would leave much.
Sounds like a great time with your friends.
That is funny about your hubby's prehunting trip.
How about a little beach ball or umbrella for June. Apples are always good for September.

16 Carrie P. said...

Oh, I forgot to tell you thanks for sharing a photo of the church. That is so awesome.

17 Sheila said...

Lots of wonderful projects completed , you had lots of fun in the sewing room!Also nice you got to spend some time with your sister and friend.

18 Sparky said...

ahhhh there is nothing like the co' of friends..and your trip seemed visually endearing .....enjoyed all the new pieces....

19 Connie Kresin Campbell said...

That is so neat - getting together with your sister and good friend! Talking about your husband and pre-deer hunting sounds like my brothers getting ready for duck season, that is all they are doing right now. Your table toppers are really beautiful!

20 Lee said...

How fun! I loved your pictures. I think you should do rainboots and puddles for April and flowers for May! :) June could be strawberries - yum! The Church is beautiful!

21 Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Wow Marlene, 12, one for each month!! You are one busy gal. You just get home and then head out again! Good for you! Enjoy!! and I would be happy to pick up your mail! Right after a vist to that beautiful church.

22 Pat - Arkansas said...

You've been a busy bee. Love those table-toppers!

I am slightly envious of your upcoming trip to Estes Park. I love that area of the country. Have fun, fun, fun!

23 Val said...

How fun! And to tell you the truth deer hunting is lots of work. Since we have our little hunting cabin I see what all they do. Hard work. But I stay in most of the time doing fun sewing or stitching. I LOVE deer season!

24 Val said...

How fun! And to tell you the truth deer hunting is lots of work. Since we have our little hunting cabin I see what all they do. Hard work. But I stay in most of the time doing fun sewing or stitching. I LOVE deer season!

25 Osage Bluff Quilter said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time!
Friends and family are always a good thing.
We saw a church that looked a lot like that I believe it was in Nebraska several years ago, out in the middle of no where.
I can't wait to see your camper!

26 Anne C said...

And the pleasure was all Mine!!!! What a blessing it was, can't wait for another visit!!!!!!