Do you ever have days when you feel like you’re just going from one thing to another to another? Me too! Today was one of those days – it started out with this:
I was there by 8:00 this morning, spent over, well let’s just say over my budget, only to get to the car and find I didn’t have the Diet Dr. Peppers I had paid for. I went all the way back in to the service desk, all the way to the very back of the store to get another carton and back to my car. You know the best part? A good part of my exercise for the day was done – you gotta’ love that. :)
Back home, unload, put away, change clothes and spend a couple of hours doing this:
The sunroom/den needed to be painted before the new floor is put in next week. It has really high ceilings that require a ladder. I can’t pick up our ladder, let alone climb it – it’s really heavy because it’s one of those kind that remind me of the robot toys that you turn this way and that and they become something else…know what I mean? So I taped all the parts from about my eye level down and my husband did the top. There’s really not much wall to paint in here because 3 walls are brick and most of the 4th is a rock fireplace. And on the wall part are 4 windows and 2 patio doors. Lots of taping. Lots and lots of taping. And more taping. And then he painted while I supervised. :) Oh and “we” painted it Faded Burlap. Really, that was the name of it. You can see it, can’t you?
Next up:
I got to pick up two of my grandchildren from school. In my new car. Sometimes after school we stop at Sonic for slushies. Not today. Not in my new car. I substituted Chips Ahoy and milk when we got home. Blame me?
Time for supper:
Mexican Soup – this is so good and so easy you won’t believe it. Want the recipe? I knew you would:
2 cans Campbells White and Wild Rice Soup
1 can Chicken Broth
1 can Rotel Tomatoes
1 family size chicken – chopped
Heat and eat! Of course you want to sprinkle some grated cheese on top, and maybe some chopped green onions, a dollop of sour cream and some crumbled chips. My husband loves this and he hates soup!
Finally I got to work on this:
This is Potted Geraniums from Primitive Gatherings. Aren’t those colors wonderful. Honestly, their wools are to die for – hand dyed, soft and really spectacular to stitch on.
You know time is almost up for the Fall Into Fall Giveaway. If you haven’t entered you’re gonna’ want to so go here to do that.
I’ve been looking at sewing rooms for some time now – magazines, books, online, pretty much everywhere. I’ve gotten lots of good ideas from the articles and pictures and tips I’ve read. I’ve seen some beautiful sewing rooms that I just want to clone and put in my house. I’d love to have a cabinet like this one in Heather Bailey’s Studio.
And how about a computer corner like this one in Murphy’s Studio?
But I’ve decided I’m just grateful that I have a room to sew in because I know lots of women who don’t. Lots of you out there are sewing in a corner of the dining room, or you’ve got it all in a closet and have to drag it out every time you want to stitch a little, or maybe you’ve taken half the guest room and have to clean it all up when you have company. :(
I use the smallest bedroom in our house and I have it stuffed full. So full that it’s overwhelming to me right now. I’ve worked several days this week trying to organize and declutter. It’s getting better and it’s definitely more functional, which has replaced beautiful as my goal. I started on these shelves and went through everything. Everything. I love my old PE baskets because I can see everything but the fabric is exposed to light and that is worrisome. All of those baskets contain a UFO. Well, not all because some have fat quarters in them and when I finish all the UFOs I want fat quarters in them all. And yes, I have enough fat quarters to fill them up.
Unfortunately my design wall is also covered with UFOs. I stopped counting at 40 because I was too…well, overwhelmed comes to mind and so does embarrassed. Some of them just need binding, some need quilting, some need blocks put together. Some will be quickly done but some will be pretty involved. And I didn’t count the kits I have in drawers. But I’m focused now. Right, focused. I’m determined, yes I am. Help me out here ya’ll – I can finish those UFOs in 3 months, right? Four? Oh my.
I took everything out of this closet and started over. Those are Christmas wallhangings that are hanging on the right and other seasonal decorations on the left. I have large pieces of leftover batting in the big basket – they’ll be big enough for small pieces but not big quilts. I have embroidery things in the small basket, ready to be stitched. And that’s fusible fleece on the shelf. I use it making bags – like the one I’m giving away here.
I put my batting up on the shelf next to the ceiling so I could check it easily when I need one, or when I see them on sale. I mixed a little fabric in there to add a little color. My feeble attempt to decorate a little! And over by my design wall I put bins with lace, rickrack, ribbon and other notions like that so they’ll be easy to get to.
Have you noticed something’s missing? Fabric for one thing! It’s in a closet and I have 4 shelves all neat and organized but the floor is full of fabric spilling over like Niagara Falls! And where do I iron? Couldn’t show you that either because I have tubbies under the ironing table overflowing with my wool fabric and my scraps. And then there’s the cutting table. It’s really cabinets with a countertop. I’ve cleaned out two of the four cabinets. Someday, maybe in a week or two I’ll be able to say I’ve gotten through those too and I’ll take pictures. For now, I’m ready to sew!
I found this great fabric that glows in the dark. :)
I prepped it all today and will make Trick or Treat Bags (a smaller version of the Everything Bag I’m giving away) for some very small children I know. :)
I have a problem. I have been for the last two days looking at options for new floors in my home. I pretty much know I need tile in my “sunroom” because that’s where we come in out of the back yard/lake area. The grandbabies will have wet, dirty feet. The salesman, who is a good friend, says porcelain. My friend says it will be slippery when wet. Anybody know? What do you have? I’ll probably put the same thing in my kitchen so how is it with spills? I don’t want to fall and bust my bottom!
And for my living/dining/bedroom I want laminate. I think. Laminate vs “engineered wood” – any experience? Dark vs light – opinions? I don’t really like light wood much but lean toward a medium oak because I don’t want dark either. What shows dirt the most? Smudges? Lint/dust? Anybody? Please?
I can’t think too hard about this because yesterday I bought this:
And I just want to go for a drive! With my seat warmers on high. :) Can you say warm baby!
And besides, I need to be cleaning out this:
I don’t need to be worrying about floors – I have no time for that. It’s sewing I need to be doing! Or driving. Sewing…driving…sewing…driving. Help!